Kamis, 19 November 2015


History of Digital Divide
            Historically, the term digital divide rose publicly in the mid-1990s as the National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) survey (1995), as cited in Servon (2002, p. 2), identified the existence of a divide which “separates people with access to information technology from those without it” in America. Castells (2002), as cited in Fuchs & Horak (2008, p.248), identifies digital divide as "inequality to the internet". In short, the digital divide can be understood as disparities in access to information and communication technologies.
            As the United Nation General Secretary, Kofi Annan (1999), as cited in Fuch & Horak (2008, p.2), points out digital divide is “a pressing humanitarian issues”, it is understandable that this condition becomes a salient issue at international scope.
Multifaceted Nature of the Informations Have-Not
            Most people believe thet there are several factors to explain why the developing countries are trapped in "the information have-nots" (Servon, 2002, p.8). First factor is the market influence which correlates to high price of computers and internet services in developing countries. Second is unequal investment in infrastructure that suggests inadequate provision of high-end telecommunications facilities, and lastly, discrimination which implies in unbalance usage of ICT due to ethnic group's sentiment.
Digital Divide and Information Society: The State of Winner or Loser?
            As Giri (2002, p. 4) argues that "a major gap has always existed between affluent people living in developed societies with an access to modern information technology and underdeveloped countries", it is understandable if the digital divide reflects broader context of social and economic relations between developed and developing countries.
The ideal explanation is that the digital divide manifests with socioeconomic disparities. these disparities as believed will produce what Fuchs and Horak (2008, p. 4) call "classes of winners and lossers of the information society".
            Given attention to methodologies that will be used for this topic, the research will incorporate case studies and literature reviews. Case studies are performed to obtain facts related to the topic based on best practise. While literature reviews are necesarry to accomplish profound understanding of the research topic's framework. They will also serve as sources of substansial data and information.
            Academic literatures such as books, journals and reports will serve as research materials. These materials will mainly focus Information and Communication Technology (ICT), digital divide, and APT as well as Indonesia's position in the information society.
Bridging the Digital Divide: Study Case of Association of Progressive Communication (APC)
            The Association of Progressive Communication (APC) was established in 1990. APC is an international non-governmental organization and a network which 50 members are widespread in five continents around the globe, the majority is based in developing countries. Currently, APC works on two broad levels of digital divide bridging effort; practice and policies. In practical term, APC is formed to provide people with ICT infrastructures. In order to support its vision and missions, APC members designated six strategic priorities for the network until 2012:
1. Advocate for affordable internet access for all
2. Secure and defend internet rights
3. Use emerging technologies for social change
4. Make technology work to sustain the environment
5. Build the information-commons
6. Improve governance, especially internet governance
(Association for Progressive Communications, 2011a, p. 16)

Indonesia and the Digital Divide: A Smaller of Bigger Picture
            By the 21st century, technology developments have dominated the manner in which people live their life. One of notable discussions is regarding the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) inevitable infiltration to the society's daily basis activities
Indonesia, in this point, has also experiencing the same condition. As reflected by Nugroho (2010, p. 30) that the country, for some people, is "communication heaven". In fact, it is categorized as one of developing countries that alleviating its position from the "information have-nots" to those in "the information haves" due to the country's progressive ICT development.
Internet usage in Indonesia started to increase as platforms to access the net were provided more widely. The growing number of Warung Internet / Intenet Cafes (Warnet) was one significant factor that had contributed greatly to the ICT adoption among Indonesians. Another crusial element that magnified the ICT adoption among Indonesians, especially youngster, is the distribution of cheap mobile phone equipped with large internet capacity.

To conclude, disparities always exist in the world. One of those disparities is digital divide which takes information and communication technology into account. This divide presents many hurdles at international sphere since it is not only talking about inequality in ICT access and skills but also suggesting a broader context of international socio-economic gap between developed and developing countries. Thus, a lot of efforts have been taken in diminishing the gap even though certain barries still remain.

Kamis, 05 November 2015

About me

 Fitrah for all babies born to the world is in a state of faith to Allah. His parents exactly what makes his hindu, christian, jewish, etc.
Alhamdulillah i was born from both parents are muslim and is an activist preaching. My name is Gendiz Zahranadiva Annuha was born on 16 may 1997, the son of mr. Hendri Nurhadi,sp and mrs. Sri Astuti, born of parents as an activist religious is not easy. We must be willing to share attention, together, sharing parents to the ummah.
        I’m oldest of one sister and two brothers, my younger sister named Ghazia Rararibatha Annuha, while two younger brother named Gazanuha Alhilal Fathiakbar and Gading Hamasahnuha Goworzky. My sister studying in SMPIT Baitul Muslim at Way jepara Lampung Timur, both my brother studying in SMAN Bandar Sribawono and SDN 1 Srimenanti. The ages of each of us within three years.
        Since childhood i known as a very private good in the community and within the family. If many families spend a moment to gather with family for just chatting at night, then i’ll be fun to be in the room with a wide range of busy. There are no words spoiled both parents in my dictionary at the time, until now i realized his crucial communication with the child’s parents, though the nature of closed still remains to be my identity.
        I am the type of people with learning an audio visual. And visual more dominate, so that at the beginning of entrance in college when i was a bit difficult. I have to take note of without being able to pay attention to who’s talking. Because in college work fast, active, and responsive. Although a little adversity, but i started to get used to it.
        When i was educated at University of Lampung to courses in international relations. I received through the SBMPTN i failed in SNMPTN, because i come from a private high school new year is accredited. In high school, i am a student with the education science; but i chose education programs of soshum in college. By with knowlidge soshum a very small, i had a chance to feel pessimistic about the SBMPTN and i’ve been preparing to take a test in private universities in Jakarta. But Allah willing to another, i received it in class soshum. Although at the beginning of learning in class i have no idea what they’re talking and eventually make i don’t want to see which ultimately makes me hard in the implementation of the mid-term exam and then, when i get back are aware of college is one of the things that must i’m thankful for. Therefore, i can’t waste time. However this is the Allah way, the best option, to present to me. . .thanks Allah :*

Rabu, 04 November 2015

Rindu Tak Bertuan

            Dear you,
            Be my imam for my prayers,
            Be my qari and read the qur’an for me,
            Be the one who leads me to Allah,
                        That’s all i’m asking for.
Rindu adalah bentuk cinta terhadap sesuatu yang berjarak dengan diri kita.
Tak ku pungkiri, aku pun pernah merasakannya. Rindu pada teman sekelasku semasa SMP, namanya Farhan. Sering memikirkan tentangnya, bagaimana keadaannya dan pada akhirnya fokus belajar ku terganggu. Hingga aku bertekad untuk menyudahi semua kegalauan ini dan mulai fokus lagi dengan belajarku. Aku pun mulai menyibukkan diri dengan mengikuti kajian-kajian keislaman. Dengan jadwalku yang padat akan berbagai aktivitas membuat ku lupa akan kerinduanku pada sosok Farhan. Terlebih sejak aku mengikuti sebuah forum diskusi ‘Jomblo Mulia’. Dimana para aktivis yang tergabung didalamnya berbagai ilmu bagi para remaja untuk segera meninggalkan cinta yang semu dan kembali kepada Maha Cinta.
Waktu itu, sang motivator atau kang Adnan meyampaikan, “ Perempuan-perempuan yang keji untuk laki-laki yang keji(pula), sedangkan perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk laki-laki yang baik, dan laki-laki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik(pula)(Qs.An-Nur:26)”.
Dan satu pesan lagi yang selalu ku ingat ialah, “ Kalian tau? Jodoh kita adalah cerminan kita,” ucap kang Adnan saat itu.
Aku tidak ingin pangeran Lauhul Mahfuz ku rindu dengan orang lain selain diriku. Karena itu, aku selalu memegang teguh dua pesan tersebut sampai kini aku menjadi bagian dari forum ‘Jomblo Mulia’.
Seperti biasa, selesai acara kami panitia ‘Jomblo Mulia’ melakukan evaluasi kegiatan.
            “Alhamdulillah akhirnya,” ucapku lelah.
Tersenyum, “ Ziya, nanti buka dirumah kak Asya ya?” ajak kak Asya.
            “Boleh, eh . . enggak jadi ah” jawabku.
            “Kenapa ngga jadi?ada acara?” tanya kak Asya ingin tau.
            “Enggak..” sambil tersenyum, “ cuman, takut mengganggu” jelasku.
            “Ya Allah Ziya, a’ Husein nya kan lagi i’tikaf sayang” jawab kak Asya sambil membelai lembut bahuku.
Kak Asya adalah kakak tingkatku semasa SMA hingga saat ini sekaligus sahabat juga sepupu iparku. Ya, kira-kira setengah bulan lalu kak Asya dipersunting kakak sepupuku, a‘ Husein.
            “Siap deh kalau begitu,” jawabku sambil hormat bak seorang polwan.
Kak Asya tersenyum.
Sebelum pulang ke rumah, kak Asya mengajak ku pergi ke alun-alun kota. Setelah lama berkeliling dan mendapatkan beberapa takjil, kami pun duduk-duduk sejenak sembari menghilangkan lelah.
Teringat lagi bayangan-bayangan a’ Husein mengucapkan janji setia pada Abi kak Asya hari itu.
            “Ziya, apa sih yang dilamunin?serius banget!”tanya kak Asya.
Aku pun tersenyum sambil menatap kak Asya, “kak, kakak rindu nggak dengan a’ Husein?”
            “Sekarang sih enggak, kan tadi aa’ sempet telpon kak Asya sebelum ashar,” terdiam, “emang nya kenapa?”.
Tersenyum, “gitu ya kak,” menatap langit sore “ terus gimana caranya kalau kita rindu pada seseorang yang entah dimana dan nggak tau siapa?”tanyaku.
Kak Asya sontak terdiam, “ Kita pulang dulu yuk, sebentar lagi buka. Nanti dirumah kakak kasih tau caranya” ajak nya.
Selesai berbuka puasa, kak Asya berkata padaku, “sekarang Ziya wudhu, terus shalat maghrib. Ziya ngadu deh sama Maha Pengasih.”
Aku pun tersenyum dan lekas mengambil air wudhu. Setelah lega mencurahkan pada Sang Maha Cinta, aku langsung mengambil buku catatanku.
Jodoh pasti bertemu
Bagaimana caranya menjelaskan rindu kepada seseorang yang entah siapa dan diamana saat ini.
Untukmu yang jauh disana, terkadang mata ini iri kepada hati, karena kau ada dihatiku namun tak tampak dimataku.
Aku tidak memiliki alasan pasti mengapa sampai saat ini masih ingin menunggumu, meski kau tak pernah meminta untuk ditunggu dan diharapkan.
Hati ini meyakini kau ada, meski entah dibelahan bumi mana.
Yang aku tahu, kelak aku akan menyempurnakan hidupku denganmu,disini,disisiku.
Maka, saat hatiku telah mengenal fitrahnya, aku akan berusaha mencintaimu dngan cara yang dicintai-Nya.
Sekalipun kita belum pernah bertemu, mungkin saat ini kita tengah melihat langit yang sama, tersenyum menatap rembulan yang sama.
Disanalah, tatapanmu dan tatapanku bertemu J
Aku menatap ke arah jendela dan ku peluk buku catatanku. Kak Asya memperhatikanku dan menghampiriku.
            “ Insya Allah” menatap mataku, tersenyum dan memelukku.
Aku pun tersenyum, “Bismillah, insya Allah” ucapku.